How to Get More Content Mileage from Your Law Firm’s Webinars



Repurpose Webinar Content

Content marketing is a powerful approach for law firms to reach and engage clients.  As an inbound marketing strategy, consistent content creation provides value to your audience while earning and strengthening their trust and loyalty over time.

As more and more legal consumers turn to the Internet for information, law firms are trying even harder to differentiate themselves through the quality and quantity of their content to gain a competitive edge.

Webinars are common content choices.  They should be.  They are excellent content marketing tools law firms can harness to exchange and highlight information.   The key, however, is not to stop there.   Whether you are using your content to attract and inform your clients, build relationships with prospects, or generate new business leads, the low-hanging fruit, i.e., your content bonanza, is sitting right there for you to take advantage of.

And the more you produce, the more potential you have for success.

This is especially important because constantly coming up with subjects for your content coffers is challenging – even for marketers.  The good news is, not only is there a bunch of material legal professionals can cannibalize and expand on from that informative webinar you just hosted, but you can also convert the webinar content into an endless stream of other types of content pieces.

We composed this content repurposing post to show you how easy it is to create new content that is engaging, shareable, and potentially profitable.

Here are 9 ways to Repurpose Webinar Content 

  1. Repurpose Webinar Content into Nurturing Emails

Converting your webinar content into emails is one effective way of repurposing it. Emails can reach folks who lack time to commit to a 45-minute session on a particular date or time.   But, remember to add to the value you provided in that webinar.  The last thing you want to be is just one more email your recipient deletes to make room for the email they actually want to read.  Be the email they want to read now!

In the context of the information you covered in your webinar:

  • Send an email that helps them solve their problem or that answers common legal questions.
  • Send an email that continues to establish you as a legal authority who has their finger on the pulse of all things divorce, or real estate, or whatever your practice area is.
  • Share your point of view on a trending current event.
  • Simplify complicated legal concepts in a college 101 sort of way.
  • Explain, in layman’s terms, about a recent headline they have cause to be concerned about.

By the way, I’d recommend using email marketing software to streamline things because email marketing can become unwieldy.

  1. Turn Webinar Content into a SlideShare (e.g., PowerPoint®)

You can also repurpose webinar content by turning it into a standalone slide presentation. The secret to creating effective slides is using clear and striking graphics as well as short, punchy caption descriptions featuring SEO keywords.  Once completed, you can share them on your company’s LinkedIn profile, the SlideShare platform, or include them as a download in a blog post on your website or that email we just talked about up there in item number 1.

1. Repurpose Webinar Content

  1. Convert the Content into Blog Posts

Convert your webinar content into blog posts featuring five or ten of the conference’s key points.  If you had a guest speaker, include links to their contributions to make the posts more robust. You can do standalone posts or a series of posts, depending on how much material you have and how in-depth you wish to go. At your posts’ end, request that your readers click to watch your on-demand webinar for more info.  They may not have seen the webinar yet.

Quite often during a webinar, there’s not enough time to go into as much detail as you would like. The blog post is your opportunity to expand on what you highlighted in the webinar. So, for example, if you touched on Intellectual Property Law and spoke briefly about protecting the rights of inventors, authors, and businesses to their tangible and intangible creations, inventions, and symbols, but you weren’t able to do a deep dive to really do it justice . . .

now’s your chance to flesh it out.

Break the webinar discussion down and dig into the topics you want to expand on. Your outline could be something like this:

1. Repurpose Webinar Content

BONUS – How to Quickly Craft a Blog Post – that your readers will want to read:

•Create a dynamic headline that includes an SEO keyword.  Run your headline through Aminstitute Headline Analyzer to make sure it’s a headline that works for your audience.

•Put an SEO keyword in the first paragraph.

•Draft a strong opening that’s NOT pedantic.  Make it exciting to learn about – no matter how heavy and boring the subject otherwise is.  Remember, it’s a blog post, not a whitepaper.

•Write five sentences under each subheading you want to cover. Then, go back to each sentence and after each one of the five sentences you just composed, add five more sentences that clarify that thought and fleshes your concept out.

•Begin each subheading with a verb.

•Break up paragraphs into smaller paragraphs. You want to see lots of white.  If the layout looks text-bookish or encyclopedic, break up the text into smaller amounts.  Chances are, your readers will not be lawyers, so reading large patches of text is not par for the course for your audience. Don’t lose them.

•If you have a list of items (more than two commas), try putting them in bullets so that it’s easier on the eyes.

•Write a conclusion that is as strong as your opening sentence and voila, you’re done.

  1. Repurpose the Content into Energetic Social Media Posts

Social media is the Internet’s most popular and busiest wing.  Repurpose webinar content into social media posts enriched with relevant hashtags (#ppploan #DHS, #pandemicrentrelief, etc.) and post them on platforms, especially, Linkedin and your law firm’s Facebook page. Find and opine on or address a salient point that was made in the webinar.   You can even do a daily series – one point each day for 5 days.

Subtly show off your handle/expertise on the subject matter.  But remember, you are not on social media just to optimize your content.  The operative adjective lawyers and other businesspeople sometimes forget is SOCIAL.  Check in at least once a day for comments on your post, so you can interact with your fans, etc.  However, also remember, this is not a virtual courtroom. No need for longwinded counterarguments, cross-examination, and “schooling” people.

If it gets to that point, inbox the person and offer to set up an appointment to discuss the matter further – offline, perhaps over a virtual cup of coffee or Zoom meeting.    Always try to keep things pleasant, professional, and as light as possible.

Don’t just post to be posting.  Make a point.  Encourage engagement from your followers. Do your legal brand justice!

  1. Turn Your Webinar Content into an eBook

Drafting an eBook also repurposes your webinar content for maximum results.  You can distribute the book via your company website, social media links, or email list.  If you want it to serve as a lead-generation piece, the eBook can help you harvest your prospects’ contact details by asking them to include their name and an email address before downloading the book. This way you can continue to market to prospects via email.

If you’re really feeling ambitious, there are a number of outfits that can assist with self-publication if you’re interested in taking your eBook to this level. They include:

Barnes & Noble Press





Kindle Direct Publishing



  1. Use the Content to Train Your Staff

Maximize your webinar content by converting it into training materials to accelerate employee development in a specific practice area. This method’s affordable and keeps your employees closer to the company.  And it’s certainly a lot more desirable than reading the material, offering your staff a break from a mode they practice all day.

  1. Create an FAQ Page to Gain Valuable Feedback

You can repurpose webinar content by creating an FAQ page.  It’s impossible to answer all questions during a webinar anyway. Research shows that 92% of webinar attendees expect and love live Q&A sessions so there should be no shortage of info to pull from.  Optimize your attendees’ questions by:

  • Creating an FAQ page on your law firm’s site featuring the webinar’s queries;
  • Writing FAQ blog posts to address specific questions;
  • Expanding on the answers you gave during the webinar.
  1. Turn Your Content into Infographics

You can also repurpose your webinar content by crafting infographics.  An infographic is a graphic representation of information, such as a process or an idea. It can be made up of charts and graphs, images, and texts with minimalistic explanations.

You can also incorporate your law firm’s webinar’s vital components like stats and historical information into the infographics.  Many SAAS companies offer affordable infographic creation tools online. Check out:

Adobe Spark







  1. Convert Your Webinar Content into YouTube Videos

YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. It’s also a major social media site with over 2.31 billion monthly logged-in users.   And it continues to grow, with more and more people using it to get their news. With YouTube videos ranking on the first page of Google results, it’s only natural that you’d want your content on YouTube as well.

Cisco predicts that by 2022, videos will generate 82% of worldwide Internet traffic – YouTube being the world’s video content collection.  So, you’ll definitely want to repurpose webinar content by converting it into digestible YouTube videos where you can include keyword-rich descriptions and your website’s URL.

Need some convincing. The following info should change your mind about YouTube if you’re still on the fence:

  • Over 55% of video marketers use it;
  • Over 1 billion hours of video are consumed on YouTube every day;
  • At least 90% of people discover new brands or products via YouTube;
  • 50.9% of B2B decision-makers use YouTube to research before making a purchase;
  • 62% of businesses use YouTube to post videos;
  • YouTube is the favored digital video platform for 90% of people in the US;
  • 70% of YouTube viewers made a purchase from a brand after seeing it on YouTube.

Repurpose Webinar Content: What’s the Point?

So, what’s the point here? Your law firm’s webinar can be an infinite source of new content.

Do you have any sizzling ways you’ve repurposed your law firm’s webinar content? Please, don’t hesitate to share them in our comment section below.

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