Four Ways to Attract More Clients with Your Legal Directory Listing in 2021


Different times call for extended measures has been the consensus among today’s law firms looking to outpace the stifling economic climate that has ensued in recent years. According to the  2020 State of U.S. Small Law Firms Report, more than a quarter of firms reported that obtaining new clients has been an ongoing struggle.

For law practices looking to acquire new clients having a website and social media is only half of the equation. You must also frequent where your audience hangs out online. A FindLaw study revealed that, even as early as 2016, nearly half of consumers begin their search for an attorney on law firm directories. Therefore, a crucial component of your legal marketing strategy should be to bolster your law firm profile.

What are Legal Directories?

Similar to the Yellow Pages, an online legal directory includes listings of lawyers and law firms categorized by practice area and location. However, unlike the phone book, an attorney profile also includes details such as professional affiliation, legal experience, and rankings. Some of the top directories include Avvo, JustiaFindLaw, Martindale, and, for Spanish speakers.

How Legal Directories Can Enhance Your Web Presence

  • Increase your accessibility to future clients.

    Many law firms assume that if you have a website, consumers will automatically find you. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth. Prospective clients will rarely Google the name of your law firm directly. More than likely, they’re typing in general search terms such as “personal injury lawyer” or “divorce lawyer.” The more listings you have online, the greater the potential there is to be found by your target audience.

  • Improve Google Rankings with backlinks.

    Joining legal directories increases the likelihood that your law firm will appear in multiple search results. This means you will have various opportunities to get in front of your audience. Studies show that consumers typically require seven touchpoints or interactions with your business before they hire you. A legal directory can aid in this process.

  • Build industry authority.

    When selecting a law firm, it’s no surprise that online reputation has become a primary factor in decision-making. Legal directory sites such as Avvo,, and FindLaw provide opportunities to showcase your expertise by answering legal questions and writing industry articles. Being included in a reputable law directory also, in the mind of prospects, legitimizes your firm and increases your target audience’s confidence in your legal ability.

How to Maximize Your Law Firm Profile

It’s one thing to have a listing in a law directory. It’s another to have one that results in clients. To get the most out of your attorney or firm profile, you must provide a reason for audiences to choose your firm over the numerous other firms in the market.

Below are four tips to attract more clients with your legal directory listing.

Spell out your secrets to success

It’s not enough to simply list your accomplishments. You must also specify the impact you had on your client’s case and, more importantly, what makes your firm unique. While it’s advantageous to include the number of cases won and dollar amounts secured, facts and figures don’t tell the full story. And if you’re a smaller firm, a larger firm will likely match or exceed your results.

When crafting your message to prospective clients, consider the following questions:

  • What were some of the legal challenges your firm faced, and how were they resolved?
  • What is the feedback you’ve received from past clients? What words repeatedly come up when describing your services?
  • What firm or attorney experiences can you cite that make your law practice uniquely qualified?
  • Do your attorneys have a personal connection to the community it serves or to a practice area that gives you a special insight into handling client cases?

Write from a client perspective

According to the U.S. Legal Needs Survey, 55 percent of survey participants hired an attorney within one week of pursuing representation. This means if you want to attract more clients, resorting to legal jargon and general statements about your qualifications, such as how much you care about your clients, will deliver dismal results.

Put yourself in your prospective client’s position. If you were looking for an attorney, what characteristics or strengths would hold the greatest importance? You can visit law forums to determine the types of questions your audience is asking and address them in your profile.

Another way to tailor your message to your target audience is to compile past client reviews. Look for commonalities among their responses and include that in your messaging. Following this step will ensure you speak directly to potential clients’ needs, making them more likely to select your firm.

Feature video on your profile

Imagine you have to assemble a piece of equipment. One vendor provides you with written instructions, while the other supplies a video tutorial. Which method will likely garner more of your attention?

Studies show that by 2022 online videos will account for more than 80 percent of consumer internet traffic. Video-based site YouTube is the second most popular website after Google. Adding visual elements such as video to your legal directory profile can establish trust with prospective clients. Videos allow for more in-depth storytelling, triggering an emotional response from the viewer. Because videos allow your audience to connect with your brand on an emotional level, you’re more relatable and, in turn, “hire-able.”

Land more online reviews

Eighty-seven percent of people read reviews, and it’s often the leading factor in a client’s decision-making when selecting an attorney. Although accolades from your peers and case studies add to your credibility, reviews tend to hold greater weight in the minds of consumers, as they’re hearing from someone with first-hand experience with your firm.

Legal directory listings have become valuable tools for small to medium-sized firms looking to narrow the playing field against their larger competitors. Strategic planning of your content can transform your listing from ordinary to a non-stop client magnet.

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