What Lawyers Need to Know About Your Company’s Security . . . Before They Can Trust You

Get Ready for the Vetting

Lawyers need certain assurances before sharing their client’s confidential information with third-party vendors in the digital age.  Law firms are subjecting outside companies and experts to vetting processes like never before.  A momentary lapse in judgment by a slipshod employee of a third-party vendor, who decides to open an email from an unknown source, can release a law firm client’s most damaging, humiliating, or proprietary information out into the ether – a ransomware hacker’s dream come true!

No Outside Expert is Immune

This type of incident happens every day, and once the information is out there, it’s out there.  And clients know it and fear it, which is why lawyers are becoming hyper-vigilant when it comes to dealing with outside vendors – be they financial experts, medical records specialists, IT firms, software companies, actuaries, real estate brokers or even paper shredding companies.

If you are a company hoping to deal with or continue to work with law firms, here’s what lawyers need to know about your company’s security . . . before they can trust you:

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